504 Gateway Time-out

HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2019 01:19:57 GMT Content-Length: 1066 Connection: keep-alive Server: Varnish X-Varnish: 217121310 Error due to backend fetch level (1) drop thru (Varnish 6.2) - ho humm - IP: 6-85-52 - 503
Syth AMP - 503 error due to backend fetch (vcl_synth) varnish - server - IP: 6-85-52 - 503 : :Retries:4::Live:OK:www.sportsmole.co.uk/rugby-union/rugby-world-cup/2019/ | maintenance.sportsmole.co.uk/rugby-union/rugby-world-cup/2019/